Play More Games

We Love To Play Games

Well mostly we love to play Tabletop Role Playing Games – you know those ones you sit around the table till 2am throwing dice and creating amazing adventures with friends! We slay dragons, infiltrate secret societies, uncover global conspiracies and investigate the horrors that lurk at the edges of sanity.

For many of us it is very hard to get our friends into the one room regularly – other commitments, living in different cities or countries, not enough space or many other reasons. 

For over 10 years we have been playing our favourite RPGs online with friends from all around the world. We have been doing this with our favourite Virtual Table Top – Fantasy Grounds. 

As well as playing games we love making more games available to play on this great table top. Coding for Fantasy Grounds takes a considerable amount of time and effort. We have spent a huge amount of time building out many games so that you can enjoy them on Fantasy Grounds.

Fantasy Grounds Ruleset Development

Want to Publish Your Game on Fantasy Grounds?

Many publishers want to get their games onto the various Virtual Table Tops to make it easier for their customers to play their games wherever they are. Our hobby has evolved a lot over the last decade and in particular since the many lockdowns in recent years. More and more groups are playing online. Many younger players are more comfortable and familiar with online gaming. It also helps people who work odd hours find other players who might be on the other side of the world but are available at the same time. 

If you are a publisher of an established RPG system and you want to get it converted for play on Fantasy Grounds and dont know where to get started please contact us here. We are not representatives of Fantasy Grounds or SmiteWorks but we can help you through the process of setting up agreements and of course – converting your content to the Fantasy Grounds platform. 

We cannot take on every project but we would love to discuss your project and see if we can make it happen together.

Examples Of Our Work

We have been coding on Fantasy Grounds for many years and have built many projects – both Free and Paid. 

Our Free Rulesets are called Community Rulesets and are built by our team and made available to the community for free. These do not have a license from the publisher so they do not contain any content. We respect and value the creators ownership of their Intellectual Property and Creative Works. Some of these Community Rulesets have more than 1,000 hours of developer time put into them.

Commercial Rulesets are sold through the Fantasy Grounds store. As a Publisher you would enter into an agreement with SmiteWorks (Fantasy Grounds) and would receive commissions from all sales of your game system. Fantasy Grounds is also available on Steam which is a huge gaming e-commerce platform. 

Game Systems that we have built rulesets for include:

  • Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
  • MoreCore
  • XCore
  • Shadow of the Demon Lord
  • Thousand Year Old Vampire
  • 7th Sea RPG
  • Chronicles of Darkness
  • White Lies
  • Mutant Year Zero
  • My Little Pony
  • Tales From The Loop
  • Kids on Bikes
  • Advanced Fighting Fantasy
  • Four Color System

We are always working on new projects too!

Play Your Favorite Table Top RPGs Online

7th Sea RPG

7th Sea is a tabletop roleplaying game of swashbuckling and intrigue, exploration and adventure, taking place on the continent of Theah, a land of magic and mystery inspired by our own Europe. Players take the roles of heroes thrown into global conspiracies and sinister plots, exploring ancient ruins of a race long vanished and protecting the rightful kings and queens of Theah from murderous villains.


White Lies RPG

Sometimes people tell lies for good reasons. Ask any parent who has lied to his child about the loss of a loved one. Ask any man who was ever asked if everything was going to be okay when he knew it would not. Sometimes the truth is too ugly for people to hear. Sometimes if the truth were known it would change everything. It’s these little white lies that people tell their children, men tell their families, and governments tell their people that keep us safe.

Tales From The Loop

The landscape was full of machines and scrap metal connected to the facility in one way or another. Always present on the horizon were the colossal cooling towers, with their green obstruction lights. If you put your ear to the ground, you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop – the purring of the Gravitron, the central piece of engineering magic that was the focus of the Loop’s experiments. The facility was the largest of its kind in the world, and it was said that its forces could bend space-time itself.


MoreCore is a generic game ruleset proving you with all the tools you need to play almost any RPG on the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Table Top. It has support for hundreds of different dice mechanics and many great tools for Campaign Management and World Building. 

Shadow Of The Demon Lord

Enter a world on the brink of annihilation, its lands torn asunder by war, plague, and ancient horrors. Urth, the world of Shadow of the Demon Lord, is one of many imperiled by the shadowy menace lurking without and in this game you can play through its final days as embattled survivors fighting against what to many seems to be an inevitable end. 

Kids On Bikes

Kids on Bikes is a Collaborative World Building RPG set in small towns with big mysteries. Storytelling rules-light tabletop role-playing game where adventure is a bike ride away!

​Players take on the roles of small town heroes facing big adventure. Players can even incorporate a community controlled Powered Character in the game!

Chronicles Of Darkness

We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause us to retreat into comforting lies — “There are no such things as monsters” — or stir our morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.

My Little Pony

My Little Pony is a storytelling game that allows you and your friends to explore the amazing and magical world of Equestria – Will you be a dynamic adventurer like Derring Do or a stylish diva like Rarity? Tails of Equestria allows you to create, name and play as your very own pony character to solve puzzles and explore dungeons, there may even be some dragons!

Call Of Cthulhu

The Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of humanity. They sleep now, some deep within the earth or beneath the sea.

When the stars are right they shall again walk the earth.

Call of Cthulhu is the world’s best game of secrets, mysteries, and horror.

Playing the role of steadfast investigators, you travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. You encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. Within strange and forgotten tomes of lore you discover revelations that humanity was not meant to know.

Read the Call of Cthulhu Guide

Legend Of The Five Rings

It is an era of sudden change and upheaval in Rokugan. Mortal schemes, natural calamities, and celestial turmoil alike have disrupted the political, military, and spiritual equilibrium of the land. Long-simmering rivalries and fresh betrayals ripple through the courts and on the battlefield. The Chrysanthemum Throne is beset by threats from without and within, and the honor of the seven Great Clans shall be put to the test. Who among the clans will prove strong enough to guide Rokugan in these tumultuous times? Will their names be lifted up beside those of the honored ancestors, or will they fall among the ranks of the empire’s most infamous villains?
Note: This is a MoreCore extension.

Four Color System RPG

The Four Color (4C) System is an emulator of an older game system. With the Four Color System not only can you create new super-heroes, world, universes and adventures but you can plug and play the old games and new Four Colors materials.

This is a Marvel Super Heroes and FASERIP retro clone. 

Advanced Fighting Fantasy

This simple RPG is based on the Advanced Fighting Fantasy Game Books from the 1980s and the gateway for many young readers into the world of Fantasy Role Playing Games. This is a classic game that will bring back memories for most.

Shadow Of The Demon Lord

Enter a world on the brink of annihilation, its lands torn asunder by war, plague, and ancient horrors. Urth, the world of Shadow of the Demon Lord, is one of many imperiled by the shadowy menace lurking without and in this game you can play through its final days as embattled survivors fighting against what to many seems to be an inevitable end. 

Kids On Bikes

Kids on Bikes is a Collaborative World Building RPG set in small towns with big mysteries. Storytelling rules-light tabletop role-playing game where adventure is a bike ride away!

​Players take on the roles of small town heroes facing big adventure. Players can even incorporate a community controlled Powered Character in the game!

Chronicles Of Darkness

We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause us to retreat into comforting lies — “There are no such things as monsters” — or stir our morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.


The XCore ruleset is a generic table top designed to make it easy for you to play games that dont have a specific ruleset. This is a free community ruleset. We hope that you find the ruleset useful and would love to hear feedback on what works well and what could be done better.

This is a new take on the MoreCore concept, providing a generic character sheet with enough automation to make gaming easier for players and GMs. 

Read the XCore Guide

Mutant: Year Zero

Of course the world ends. It was always just a question of time. When it’s all over, Earth is still. Nature invades the ruined cities. Winds sweep through empty streets, turned into graveyards.

Mutant: Year Zero takes you to the world after the great Apocalypse. Humanity’s proud civilization has fallen. The cities are dead wastelands, winds sweeping along empty streets turned into graveyards. But life ­remains. Among the ruins, the People live. You are the heirs of humanity – but not quite human anymore. Your bodies and minds are capable of superhuman feats. You are mutants.

Doctor Who RPG

With the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, the power is in your hands! You can go anywhere or anywhen in the universe. It’s not going to be easy. It’ll probably be dangerous. The universe is a hostile place, full of Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, the Silence, and worse. There will be fear, heartbreak and excitement, but above all, it’ll be the trip of a lifetime.

In the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game you and your friends take on the role of the Doctor (any of their incarnations!) and their companions (any one of them too) and embark on your own adventures across time and space.

Note: This is a MoreCore extension.

Thousand Year Old Vampire

A creaking hunter among dust and cobwebs, you prowl the night places, seeking the souls on which you feed. You have done this since time immemorial, or so you believe; you have no memories of living as a man-thing like those you catch and eat. But human traces linger; your fingers trace clever arabesques in the dirt of your grave-place and with the flourishes come whispered songs in a language you’ve forgotten. Far away, in a museum, hangs your portrait in oil by a master five hundred years dead–you might have been lovers but the diary you kept then is long lost.

This is a solo journaling RPG game system.

Trail Of Cthulhu

You uncover mysteries in dusty libraries and bloody crime scenes. You walk the mean streets of Chicago or hack through the jungles of the South Pacific. You battle vile cults, or recoil in terror at the alien enormities they worship. You follow the clues wherever they lead, whatever the cost in life or sanity. But do you dare to follow…

Trail of Cthulhu is a game of investigative horror set in the 1930s based on the work of HP Lovecraft using the Gumshoe game system with a focus on investigation, with characters driven to explore and investigate, even at the expense of their own health and sanity.

My Little Pony

My Little Pony is a storytelling game that allows you and your friends to explore the amazing and magical world of Equestria – Will you be a dynamic adventurer like Derring Do or a stylish diva like Rarity? Tails of Equestria allows you to create, name and play as your very own pony character to solve puzzles and explore dungeons, there may even be some dragons!

Play More Games

Die Hard Gaming

Die Hard Gaming is collaborative effort. We do this as a hobby but always aim to deliver a great result. We started Die Hard Gaming because we love this hobby and we want to share it with as many people as possible. It takes a considerable investment of time and effort on our behalf. We have found that we get the best results when we are developing game systems that we are personally interested in.  This means that different people will work on different projects. You will always have a single point of contact to work directly with on each project.